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SIN CITY cast begins to leak...

Hey folks, Harry here... Well - a small part of the cool line up for SIN CITY leaked to Chris Gardner at The Hollywood Reporter! It seems he most likely got a source over a Miramax (as he also broke the Jake Gyllenhaal as Britt Reid aka The Green Hornet) and got some agents to confirm some of it all... But here's who he says is in SIN CITY...

Leonardo DiCaprio

Bruce Willis

Elijah Wood

Mickey Rourke

Brittany Murphy

Kate Bosworth

Jaime King

Not bad eh? Add that to Josh Hartnett and Marley Shelton and you've got a helluva cast. Thing is though... that's not all of em. The details on the above list is this... They are all in talks and most of them are getting close to closing on their deals - but they are not yet DONE DEALS. Two of the biggest names still haven't broke, and I don't want to put the possibility of them getting in the film in question by leaking it quite yet, but... Both of them are immensely awesome. Gardner also mentions the potential of Benicio Del Toro and Maria Bello residing in Basin City - but I don't have the scoop on their involvement right now. In fact, Robert has never mentioned them to me, as of yet...

Ok, so who is playing who?

MARV is being played by Mickey Rourke... he's been doing voice-over work with Robert the past couple of days and Robert has been incredibly jazzed about the way those Miller lines are coming out of Mickey. He will be undergoing a transformation of sorts to end up looking extremely close to what Miller drew as looking like Marv. You'll see.

Who is the goddess GOLDIE, whom Marv worships? Well - if the deal goes through, it would be Jaime King - but that's not finished yet.

Bruce Willis will be playing HARTIGAN, "a ruthlessly honest cop and as a result finds himself up against the entire city." as Frank Miller once said. Really great character!

And as the unforgettable SHELLIE... Brittany Murphy! Those pouty lips of hers were practically drawn into existence by Frank!

Hopefully - the whole cast will get signed and on-board so it can be announced properly - as it does get astonishing... but actually - even more exciting than even all this is a behind the scenes thing going on that isn't quite formalized that's gonna cause assloads of geeks to jizz every which way - I'm just praying that it comes to pass. If not, it'll be one of those - trivia things that almost happened. So far... I'd say Robert and Frank are doing a great job assembling their cast, wouldn't you?

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