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Could the Yellow Bastard be an Angel' With X3 Anything Is Possible!

Hey folks, Harry here with the latest rumors on X3. There's nothing particularly negative about this update on X3. Rumors are circulating every which way - one email even claimed Ratner was fired (it isn't true). However, the following came from a source of Moriarty's that he claims has been right, and sometimes slightly off in the past. So here we go...

It is official now, the role of Angel in the upcomming X-men 3 movie will be played by up and coming young actor, Nick Stahl. Most notably recently for his role in Sin City and the ill-fated HBO series Carnivale.

Expect public notice release after teaser trailer in Fantasic Four this weekend.

However - another source that has been on the pulse of Hollywood like an amazonian leech feasting on the diseased blood of that wondrous flailing cow wading that awesome jungle river. But the Yattering tells us that Mike Vogel has been offered the role of Warren Worthington III. Personally - I'd rather HBO getting their head on straight... starting up a third season of CARNIVALE. I prefer him as an actor to Mike Vogel by like a factor of a 1000. But oddly - I think visually Vogel is more the Worthington type. Personally, I always imagined someone more like Jared Leto. Who'd you see as Warren?

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